- 🔗 Leverage Concurrency Efficiently When Managing Multiple Tasks in Elixir
- 🔗 An end-to-end ES/CQRS example with EventStoreDB and Phoenix/LiveView
- 🔗 Elixir, Phoenix, and the OWASP Top 10
- 🔗 UUIDv7 in 31 languages
- 🔗 Web apps have client and server state (plus realtime and LiveView)
- 🔗 LiveView Is Not a Zero-JS Framework, It's a Zero-Boring-JS Framework
- 🔗 From $erverless to Elixir
- 🔗 Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc is here! - Phoenix Blog
- 🔗 Fast Full-text Search with PGroonga, Postgres, and Elixir
- 🔗 Setting Up a Multi-tenant Phoenix App for Elixir
- 🔗 End-to-End Machine Learning in Elixir