To use images from a private repository on, you need to add a secret containing the credentials for accessing that repository. This can be done via the kubectl
1$ kubectl create secret docker-registry <my-secret-name> \
2 \
3 --docker-username=<your-docker-username> \
4 --docker-password=<your-docker-password> \
5 --docker-email=<your-docker-email>
If the secret already exists and you want to update it, you first need to delete it:
1$ kubectl delete secret <my-secret-name>
When you then define a deployment, you can use the imagePullSecrets
option in the deployment yaml to indicate which secret needs to be used to grab the docker image:
1apiVersion: apps/v1
2kind: Deployment
4 name: my-deployment
5 labels:
6 app: my-deployment
8 replicas: 1
9 selector:
10 matchLabels:
11 app: my-deployment
12 template:
13 metadata:
14 labels:
15 app: my-deployment
16 spec:
17 containers:
18 - name: my-deployment
19 image: <my-docker-user>/<my-docker-private-repo<
20 imagePullSecrets:
21 - name: <my-secret-name>
The deployment can then be done using the apply
1$ kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yaml
You can read many more details about this on the website.
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