#development #laravel #pattern #php

Laravel's queue system stands out as a powerful tool for handling time-consuming tasks and background processing. In this blog post, we'll explore two advanced features of Laravel's queue system: Bus::chain and Bus::batch. These features allow you to efficiently manage and execute complex task workflows, making your application more robust and responsive.

What are Bus::chain and Bus::batch?

Before we dive into the specifics of these features, let's briefly explain what Bus::chain and Bus::batch are.

Bus::chain allows you to chain multiple queued jobs together, ensuring that they are executed sequentially, one after the other. This is incredibly useful when you have tasks that depend on the completion of previous tasks, creating a clear and efficient workflow.

Bus::batch, on the other hand, provides a way to group and manage multiple jobs as a single batch. This can be beneficial when dealing with a set of related tasks or when you want to monitor the progress of a batch of jobs collectively. Laravel's batch processing comes with built-in support for job retries and failure handling.

Practical use cases

Now, let's explore some practical use cases for both Bus::chain and Bus::batch.

User registration workflow

Imagine a user registration process that involves multiple steps like validating user data, sending a verification email, and setting up user preferences. You can use Bus::chain to execute these steps sequentially. If one step fails, the entire chain stops, ensuring data consistency.

E-commerce order processing

In an e-commerce application, processing an order can involve multiple tasks such as deducting inventory, generating invoices, and sending shipping notifications. With Bus::chain, you can guarantee that each step is executed in the correct order, preventing issues like over-selling products.

Image upload and processing

Suppose you have an image processing application where users can upload images for various operations like resizing, watermarking, and applying filters. With Bus::batch, you can group these image processing tasks into a single batch and track their progress easily.

Data import and validation

When importing large datasets into your application, it's crucial to validate the data for correctness. Bus::batch can help you organize data validation and import tasks, making it easier to handle errors and track the progress of the import process.


Let's walk through a simple implementation of Bus::chain and Bus::batch.

1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;
4    new ProcessPodcast($podcast),
5    new OptimizePodcast($podcast),
6    new ReleasePodcast($podcast),

In this example, we're chaining three jobs together to create a sequential workflow for releasing a podcast.

1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;
4    new ImportCsv(1, 100),
5    new ImportCsv(101, 200),
6    new ImportCsv(201, 300),
7    new ImportCsv(301, 400),
8    new ImportCsv(401, 500),

In this example, we're creating a batch for import tasks, each importing a chunk of a CSV file. This allows us to monitor the progress of all tasks within the batch.

More information

If you want to read more about chaining and batching, you can check the Laravel documentation:


Laravel's Bus::chain and Bus::batch features are invaluable tools for managing complex task workflows and batch processing in your application. Whether you're dealing with user registration, data processing, or any other task that involves multiple steps, these features can help you maintain code clarity, reliability, and performance. By incorporating them into your Laravel projects, you can take full advantage of Laravel's powerful Queue system and build efficient, robust applications.