#development #laravel #php

Laravel offers a robust middleware system that allows developers to filter HTTP requests entering their application. While most Laravel developers are familiar with middleware that runs before a request is handled, not many are aware of middleware that executes after the request has been processed and the response has been sent to the client. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Laravel middleware that performs actions post-response, exploring its use cases and how to create one. Laravel calls these terminable middleware.

Understanding middleware in Laravel

Before diving into post-response middleware, let's briefly revisit how middleware works in Laravel. Middleware acts as a series of filters that can modify incoming HTTP requests or outgoing responses or perform actions based on those requests and responses. Typically, middleware is executed before the request reaches the controller and after the controller has generated a response.

Traditional middleware in Laravel can do things like authentication, request logging, and input validation, all before the request is handled. However, there are scenarios where you may need to perform actions after the response has been sent to the client, like sending analytics data or triggering background jobs. This is where terminable middleware comes into play.

Creating a terminable middleware

Creating a terminable middleware in Laravel is straightforward. You can follow these steps:

Generate the middleware

You can generate a new middleware using the Laravel Artisan command-line tool.

1php artisan make:middleware PostResponseMiddleware

Implement the middleware

In the generated middleware file (app/Http/Middleware/PostResponseMiddleware.php), you'll find a handle method. This method is where you define the logic to be executed after the response has been sent. Here's an example of a simple post-response middleware that logs the request details:

 1namespace App\Http\Middleware;
 3use Closure;
 4use Illuminate\Http\Request;
 5use Illuminate\Http\Response;
 7class PostResponseMiddleware
 9    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
10    {
11        return $next($request);
12    }
14    private function terminate(Request $request, Response $response): void
15    {
16        // Log request details to a file or external service.
17        Log::info('Request URL: ' . $request->fullUrl());
18        Log::info('Request Method: ' . $request->method());
19        // Add more details as needed.
20    }

Register the middleware

Next, you need to register your terminable middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file within the $middleware property.

1protected $middleware = [
2    // Other middleware entries...
3    \App\Http\Middleware\PostResponseMiddleware::class,

Use-cases for terminable middleware

Now that you have created your terminable middleware, let's explore some practical use cases:

  1. Analytics and Logging: You can use terminable middleware to log user activity and application usage data after the response has been sent. This can help you track user behavior and troubleshoot issues.

  2. Background Jobs: Triggering background jobs, such as sending emails or processing data, after the response has been sent can improve application responsiveness and user experience.

  3. Real-time Notifications: If you need to send real-time notifications to clients via WebSocket or push notifications, terminable middleware can be used to trigger these notifications without affecting the response time.

  4. Performance Monitoring: Measure and record response times and other performance metrics to identify bottlenecks and optimize your application.


Laravel's middleware system is a powerful tool for filtering and modifying HTTP requests and responses. While traditional middleware handles pre-response actions, terminable middleware provides a way to perform tasks after the response has been sent. By creating and utilizing terminable middleware, you can enhance your Laravel application with features like logging, background processing, real-time notifications, and performance monitoring. This flexibility empowers developers to build robust and efficient web applications tailored to their specific needs.