#ai #database #python #reading-list

๐Ÿ”— Changelog neural search

Search is one of the most important breakthroughs of the internet. Some are saying a list of blue links is not enough and that AI will overthrow search. I don't know if we're about to witness a revolution. But as with most things - there's only one way to know - to build and use it myself.

I like podcasts a lot. There's really nothing like hearing people talk about things I know nothing about. Some of my favorite podcasts are produced by the Changelog network. More than once, I've had to use their search engine when researching something that was said during an episode.

One of the best things about the Changelog is that the whole thing is open source. From the podcast engine itself, to the transcripts of every episode. Why not take all of these transcripts and build an AI-poweredโ„ข search engine around them?

continue reading on duarteocarmo.com

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